Morning Breaks | Marko Klomp | Figurative Painting

"MorningBreaks' (2017). Marko Klomp. Oil on Linen. 100 cm x 80cm.
- Contemporary Artists: Marko Klomp
- Artwork Title: Morning Breaks
- Year: 2017
- Series: Cantima
- Technique: Oil on Linen
- Type: Figurative Painting
- Format: 100cm x 80cm

Detail of the girl in front of a window in "Morning Breaks' (2017). Marko Klomp. Oil on Linen. 100 cm x 80cm.
A girl with dark hair in a bun passes a large window. Her loose blue shirt tucked into a dark skirt. She stares outside the window.
When I attempt to describe his work, it is challenging not to go into too much association. Marko Klomp creates a sweet painting of a young girl looking out of a window, and immediately one's mind wanders also where she is off to and why so early. These are all highly subjective interjections. And if I was too look at this painting again tonight or tomorrow, I will interject even more.

In a room "Morning Breaks' (2017). Marko Klomp. Oil on Linen. 100 cm x 80cm.
The beauty of all Marko's work is how it allows the mind to wander and bask. Or on other days or by other viewers, she might look alone in a well lit, but stark hallway. Klomp captures a moment that the viewer can fill with cheer or gloom and feel they know the painting. Maybe one should not highlight the ambiguity in his paintings, as they allow the viewer to submerge themselves in a moment with their own emotions verified in the image.
"Morning Breaks" is inspired by the same song by Craig Armstrong.

Gallery Sorelle Sciarone is a contemporary art gallery specialised in colourful and evocative paintings.