Reading Material

Tascha Sciarone writing notes for the reading corner of Gallery Sorelle Sciarone

Welcome to the reading corner of the gallery. Here you can delve deep into understanding paintings, the art world, collecting, displaying and critiquing art. Tascha Sciarone tackles issues for collectors and artist with her unique background as a cultural anthropologist and art historian. In between there are interviews with artists, art critics in galleries to better understanding the art world of the twenty-first century. With a little hint of looking in ways, we can continue to mould the art world to a more inclusive and democratic space for all the enjoy.

The articles are split into articles about collecting and displaying art, interviews with artist, galleries, collectors and art critics, the costs involved with contemporary art and transcribed lectures given by Tascha Sciarone.


Art and Philosophy: Stoicism

As you explore the captivating world of art at Gallery Sorelle Sciarone, curated by the knowledgeable Art Historian Tascha Sciarone, we invite you to delve into the profound insights offered by Stoicism. This article is of utmost importance for art enthusiasts seeking a balanced and fulfilling approach to life and art appreciation. Today we are looking at Stoicism, many people this wil immediately conjure up the idea of the "Stoic Man", the mand that never cries or shows emotions, but this is such a sad water downed version of what the philosophy is. Delving into this lens will help you to understand the significance of maintaining a well-nurtured and balanced life, you will uncover new depths of meaning in artistic expressions showcased at Gallery Sorelle Sciarone.

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Buying Art for your Business

How to buy Art for your business? You know having art in your offices, helps reduce stress, retain employees, boosts creativity, enhances productivity and adds personality. But your a business and have to think about the numbers as well. This information is for The Netherlands as of 2024 only and you also need to talk to your own accountant.

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Troubling AI

This is part two of a longer part series, that we kicked off last week with The trouble with AI. This header is more of a word play, AI itself is not trouble, but how it is used is troubling. Also usually when you ask a normal person so many questions, it can be seen as a bit bothersome. So I troubled AI with a whole lot of data an delved into holding the gallery accountable. But also the AI is a tool and when you feed it data that is questionable, what will it give you back?

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The trouble with AI

Recently the FBI raided Cortland Management in regards to a nation wide rent price fixing scam of more than 80% of all rental units in the city of Atlanta, USA. The news broke about a week ago in early June of the raid that happened on 22 May 2024. In short the company offered AI technology to landlords to predict the highest amount landlords could get away with charging tenants. Amidst a world wide housing crisis and cost of living crisis, this is atrocious. The FBI raided the property management company based on anti-trust law suit.

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Remember my Story: Asma Abdulaziz Jamal

This article has nothing to do with the art gallery. Since half October my heart, mind and thoughts somewhere completely different. I took a holiday from the art gallery, but I do not think I can ever go back. I have been posting on other social media platforms about Palestine. My gallery has become a second thought to me, I am barely keeping it together as I protest in different ways for the ceasefire, liberation and restorative justice for Palestine, Sudan and the Congo. At first I tackled the issue of how 'complex' the issue was in my experience as a child at the end of Apartheid in South Africa. But as more Zionists and men started calling me naive and told me to keep quiet as I can simply not fathom the complexity as an art historian or as a person. So I started doing my research.

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Art and Philosophy: Epicurus

Welcome to the website of Gallery Sorelle Sciarone, where the world of art comes alive with captivating exhibitions and thought-provoking collections. In this article, we delve into the profound connection between philosophy and art, specifically exploring the teachings of Epicurus (341-270 BCE) this time (for Confuciusism article and art). Understanding these philosophical principles is crucial for art enthusiasts seeking to expand their enjoyment and appreciation of artistic expressions. By delving into Epicurean philosophy, we can uncover a world where pleasure, gardening, friendship, and even death intertwine with artistic creation and appreciation. Discover how these timeless concepts resonate with the art showcased at Gallery Sorelle Sciarone and why exploring their significance now can deepen your understanding of art's transformative power.

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Who buys art?

People that buy art, are often people who come from families and spaces that buy art, whether they are wealthy collectors or artists buying peers artwork. The people who wonder who buys art, are either artists thinking about who will buy their art, or people who are unsure if they are allowed to buy art. If you googled this, chances are you are someone who would like to know if they are allowed to buy art. Historically there has been a class divide who can afford art or understand to buy the "right" type of art. To an extent this gatekeeping is still in swing as a marketing tactic to appeal to wealthier patrons that are motivated by exclusivity. We like to talk open about art and accessibility. Whether you buy from us or are hoping to understanding this art world with its own language and intrigue. So if you have ever been intimidated or exasperated by the weird art news of pieces selling in the billions and why that world gives a skew view of appreciating and buying art, this is for you. 

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Art and Philosophy: Confucianism

Welcome, to the first article in a series of articles which will look at art, art practices and objects through different philosophical lenses. Where we explore Confucianism through the lense of Art and Art History definition. We hope to help you experience art an Confucius teachings in a new light and delve into its profound depths by exploring the captivating collection at Gallery Sorelle Sciarone. By examining artworks through the lens of various philosophical perspectives, including the profound teachings of Confucianism, you will embark on a journey of enhanced appreciation and enriched viewing. At Gallery Sorelle Sciarone, where stunning wall art and captivating paintings abound, you will discover a realm of artistic expression that never ceases to inspire and provoke contemplation.

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Why should I buy art?

Welcome to the dazzling world of art, at Gallery Sorelle Sciarone. Here where creativity knows no bounds and masterpieces come to life. You've found yourself at our prestigious art gallery, the epitome of sophistication and style. If you are looking for Romantic and Reflective Paintings exploring our world and what it means to be human. Prepare to be captivated by a curated collection of paintings and wall art that will leave you breathless and eager to adorn your surroundings with exquisite works of art.

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The Benefits of Art in the Workplace

Welcome to this art-buying guide! If you're considering buying art for your office, you may be interested in the paintings here at Gallery Sorelle Sciarone, a romantic and reflective art gallery that specializes in paintings.

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Interview: Curator Finizia Taddeo

Finizia Taddeo is an art curator, born in to the arts. She studied Art, Valorisation (creating value from knowledge through making it accessible) and the Art Market, at The University of ULIM in Milan. She is currently a gallery assistant in Milan and has also written for AgCult, a news site for the arts and culture sector. Finizia has explored Adéle's work by intimately acknowledging what Adéle as an artist says about her work and Finizia's Italian theoretical knowledge and affinity with abstract art.

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Interview: Artist Adéle du Plessis

Adéle du Plessis (1969) is an accomplished contemporary artist. She works in a diverse series of mediums. She oscillates between painting figurative art, with quilting and exploring how the materials that make art can be the subject of the art. Often all these elements are incorporated into mixed media pieces. The interview was done in Afrikaans. The interview is translated into English, with the original Afrikaans in italic underneath the English translation.

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Interview: Curator Paulina Capilla

Paulina Capilla is an accomplished art curator, who has studied Art History at The University of Berkeley and The University of Amsterdam. She has assisted and curated multiple art exhibitions for several museums and galleries, as an intern for The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. She currently is the Exhibition Curator at JetBrains Expo (JetBrains TechLab Amsterdam). She was also a research assistant at the RKD - The Institute for Art History. The RKD is one of the world's leading documentation and research institutes for Art History. As well as completing her internship at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.

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Interview: Curator Miracle May

Miracle May is a South African museologist and  second-year master's student studying Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) at the University of North-West in South Africa. A pioneer multidisciplinary programme within the art and academic world. Her core courses being in art and artefact preservation.

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Interview: Jeanette Olyhoek

Jeanette Olyhoek is a Dutch painter and sculptor in Voorburg. Her amazing Dutch seascapes and landscapes are currently on exhibition at the Gallery.  The interview was in Dutch, but is translated into English with the original Dutch answers put below. Jeanette kindly took the time us to answer these 11 questions about her and her art.

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Loving Art in a Pandemic

We asked the Art Historian Wouter Maas to reflect on how his art interactions have changed during the ongoing Pandemic. Wouter Maas started describing the art at the Gallery Sorelle Sciarone in March 2020.

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Interview: Marko Klomp

Marko Klomp is a Dutch painter and poet. His latest series; Left Behind has been curated together with some of his other landscape paintings by Art Historian Wouter Maas. The interview was in Dutch, but is translated into English with the original Dutch answers put below. Marko kindly obliged us to answer these 11 questions about him and his art.

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Looking at 2020: Internal Business

As 2020 comes to an end, you are invited to read about all that has happened at the gallery internally. Especially as the amount of contact, this last year has been minimal. I also hope this gives artists and curators a look at what we do and how we work. We covered some external highs and lows of the gallery in the previous posts—paintings we had sold, cancelled art fairs, in the fight for democracy and the pandemic. Next week we will elaborate our goals for 2021. Thank you very much for taking the time to get to know what has been going on with us.

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Interview: Artist and Content Creator in the 21st Century

Chloe Xu is an artist that has been delightfully describing paintings here at the gallery.  She described it as "painting with words". Which is exactly what she does. Her analysis as an artist reads like your painting the painting yourself. She takes a bit of the painting, a bit of the subject, a bit of the technique and bits of real life. I always feel strangely liquid when reading her work. As you will be seeing more of her analysis of art work as well as an online exhibit, we wanted to introduce to her to everyone.

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Interview: Art Influencer in the 21st Century

Art has been helping us all get through these strange times. Through movies, series, dressing up as famous art or paintings. This is an interview with art influencer Maartje Kramer aka “Kunstmaartje” and how she has been holding her follower's hand through art and museums these last two years.

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Understanding Post Studio Art Practices

Today you will learn a bit about Quinda the creator of Kunstruimte Crooswijk in 10 questions. Quinda is the founder of an accessible art space in one of the most beloved `volksbuurten´ in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Quinda started this beautiful example of a post studio art in 2019. The Post studio movement is the prevailing/avant garde movement in art at this momemt. Post Studio Practice is a method of art, where there is continuous and planned creation of art(activities) with underlying social or political motives (in this case social). Post studio artistic practices are meant to be experienced in a group. Yes, the whole Kunstruimte is equal parts art, social engagement and solving community issues such as accessibility. This is contemporary art. Without further ado, meet Quinda and learn more about the creation of Kunstruimte Crooswijk.

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Part 1: Why we love the term Golden Age

This post is part one of the lecture The Dutch Golden Age: telling stories. This part of the lecture is about the historical context and trajectory  of the term Dutch Golden Age.If you are interested in the context of this lecture, please read this post first. 

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How to package and ship a painting

Please read about our packaging and shipping process. The gallery is an online gallery. Which means we predominantly send packages of artwork through the whole wide world. Read here how we do it and why we do it this way. This is for our artists and our collectors to gain insight into a big part of the galleries daily business.

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Artsper and Gallery Sorelle Sciarone

An announcement of our partnership with leading European Online Gallery Platform: Artsper. Gallery Sorelle Sciarone is an online gallery, that has been admitted to the French Gallery Association Online Platform with the selection of our contemporary artist. Read further to learn more about Artsper and why we at Gallery Sorelle Sciarone has partnered with their online platform. 

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